White Wines
White wines are the foundation of the wine making tradition of Breganze. We are talking of tradition because the liaison between the land and its wines is not something you can improvise, it’s the result of a righteous process where man and nature work harmoniously, side by side, a slow journey producing excellences having its roots over the centuries. The vines trained on the Breganze soils, nestled between the Plateau of Asiago and the riverbeds of the Astico and Brenta rivers, have had their appreciation even during the Roman era and found their affirmation during the time of ‘La Serenissima’(Venetian Republic). The variety of autochthonous white grapes through which, historically, the local production identifies itself is the ‘Vespaiola’. The name is brought back by the strong attraction it generates to the Wasps (Vespe in Italian) to the must made from these grapes, greatly sugary and able to propose delicate floral scent returns.
It was said the Venetians knew what they were doing for luxury and delicatessen and not only by chance elected the ‘Bresparolo’ (from ‘Brespa’ a dialect version of Vespa – Wasp) to be a prominent production from the territory under their jurisdiction. They have gifted the wine in large amounts to King Charles the Fifth, when he traveled through these lands to encounter Pope Clement the Seventh.
Il Vespaiolo è un vino fresco, di colore giallo paglierino con riflessi verdi, dotato di sentori floreali e fruttati e di una naturale acidità che si esaltano nel Torcolato, il passito ottenuto dall’invecchiamento dei grappoli. Ecco un altro «campione» delle cantine di Breganze. Il suo carico di fragranze, il suo gusto vellutato, ne fanno un unicum tra i vini da meditazione, capace di esaltarsi in compagnia di dolci secchi e formaggi erborinati. In onore al suo nobile passito, Breganze si agghinda a festa ogni anno per celebrare la Prima del Torcolato, un evento che sancisce la fine del periodo di appassimento dell’uva vespaiola e l’avvio della torchiatura
The ‘Vespaiolo’ is a fresh wine, straw yellow color with reflexes of green, with hints of flowers and fruits and a natural acidity that exploits in the ‘Torcolato’, the wine obtained from raisin, from the withering of the clusters. Here is another ‘Champ’ of the Breganze Cellars. Its loads of fragrancies, its velvety taste makes it a ‘unicum’ among the wines for meditation, but able to express highly itself accompanied with dry sweets or blue cheeses. In the honor of this noble ‘Passito’, every year Breganze dresses up with holiday suits to celebrate the “‘Prima’ of the ‘Torcolato’” (The first appearance of the Torcolato) an event defining the end of the period of the withering and the starting of the ‘Torchiatura’ process. (Pressing of the Raisins).
The training of ‘Vespaiolo’ has found in Breganze its ideal context thanks to the peculiarity of the volcanic and alluvial soils origin and to the climate with hot summers but not scorching, high temperature excursions and all year around timely well distributed precipitations. Because of these peculiar conditions the disciplinary of the Designation of Origin Breganze, officially recognized in 1969, has allowed within its offer other selected white wines, all having in common the olfactory refinement and minerality, reasons for which they are more and more appreciated and demanded for even at International level. Among these the Pinot Grigio and the Chardonnay.
Merit of the land and to the ones cultivating it, of all the people caring to transform the beauty on these charming hills in goodness. In this area wine is not only a sector of the economy, it’s culture, passion and hospitality. It is an art feed by an atavistic wisdom and by innovation, it’s respect and care taking of the landscape. This is even what is making Breganze unique and likewise are the wines carrying its name around the world.